Hi, I’m Stacy (she/her)

I am a certified bodymind coach, recovery mentor, educator, and community organizer who guides people in trauma-informed and resilience-based approaches to transformation, neuroplastic and somatic healing, liberatory rest, cyclical living, and addiction recovery.

I came into this work after living with the effects of complex trauma and severe chronic illness, including burnout, fatigue, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disease, pain, IBS, insomnia, long Covid, and a host of other debilitating and largely invisible mental and physical symptoms over many years.

My process lives in the intersection of science and soul, weaving together the latest research and ancient wisdom. I bring my whole self to this work, including my professional training and my lived experience as a 12-step community member with long-term recovery and parent of two young children.

I believe nothing happens in isolation. Everything is connected. When we heal ourselves, we heal the collective, and when we heal the collective, we heal ourselves. All of my offerings seek to decolonize our minds-bodies-spirits, dismantle systems of inequity and oppression, and help us restore a just and loving relationship with our sacred home, the Earth.

My professional training and personal lineage includes, but is not limited to:

  • Mindbody Coaching Certification (The Embody Lab)

  • Recovery Mentor/Peer Support Specialist Certification (Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon)

  • Somatic IFS Therapy (Richard Schwartz)

  • TMS and Pain Reprocessing Therapy (Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, Nicole Sachs, and others)

  • Polyvagal Theory (Stephen Porges and Deb Dana)

  • Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine)

  • The Resilience Toolkit (Nkem Ndefo)

  • TRE (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises)

  • 12-Step and other recovery communities (AA, OA, ACA, WA, IFS 12 Steps/PATH, Al-Anon, SMART Recovery)

  • Tricia Hersey (Rest is Resistance/Nap Ministry)

  • Cassandra Lam (Collective Rest)

  • Gabor Maté (The Myth of Normal, When the Body Says No)

  • Elizabeth Stanley (MMFT, Widen the Window)

  • DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

  • Heal/Somia (formerly CFS School)

  • Red School (Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer)

  • Maisie Hill (The Flow Collective, Period Power)

Stacy Carleton CBMC, CRM, MEd

Certified Bodymind Coach

Certified Recovery Mentor

Master of Education

Come home to yourself